Service Agreement Fill out the form below to start an AAUW WordPress site with Site-Resources. AAUW Site-Resources Branch/State Website Services Agreement Branch/State/Affiliated Entity Name*Your Full Name*Member Number*Click here to look up your Member Number.Phone Number*E-Mail Address* How did you hear about Site Resources?Content Maintenance*We will maintain our own website content (free of charge).We request Site-Resources maintain our content ($119.88 annual fee).AAUW Site-Resources will set up to tow"Editor" accounts and one "Super Editor" for your Branch/State site. EDITOR- Someone who will publish and manage posts and pages, and manage other users' posts, etc. SUPER EDITOR- Same capabilities of Editor, but can manage menu, sidebar widgets and header image.Editor Username*Full Name of Editor*Editor E-Mail*Editor #2 UsernameFull Name of Editor #2Editor #2 E-Mail Super Editor Account Information (optional,only one account is available). If you do not wish to add a Super Editor at this time, scroll to the bottom and click 'Next.'Super Editor UsernameSuper Editor Full NameSuper Editor E-Mail Please read the AAUW Site-Resources Service Agreement.Please provide your digital signature by checking the box below:* I have read and agree to all the terms and conditions. CAPTCHA Δ