Building Your Branch’s Website with Site Resources

Building a strong website takes place in two phases: framework and content. This is an overview of the process behind building your website from start to finish.

1. Fill out the service agreement.

Choose one of the two agreement options:

Free: We will launch your site and go through the following steps with you, but after the launch (step five) you’re responsible for content updates. You’re more than welcome to use any of the suggested content or editing tips posted on the Site Resources page, but you’ll have to do the work to add and change content on your site.

Annual service fee: For around $10 per month ($119.88 annually), all you have to do is send us your changes and we’ll work with you to get information posted in the most effective way possible. We also offer additional analytics and features that are not currently available to the free sites. Along with all of this, you’ll have priority when it comes to support. Your branch will be billed via PayPal after completion and launch of the site.

After you fill out the agreement, we will create a URL for your site and schedule a call with the branch’s webmaster. You should meet with the people who are responsible for determining the content of the website before the call.

2. The structure and planning phone call takes place.

During the call we will decide together the best structure for the website. Site Resources will do our best to provide you with best practices, but you will have to have a solid idea of your goals for the website before the call takes place.

Deciding on the structure of the site early on will help with developing a solid website. Think of it like building a house: You must lay the foundation and build the frame before you can install the wallpaper.

A good site will typically have five or six main-menu options or “parent pages.” Each parent page may have “child pages” or sub-menu options. Remember that keeping your site as concise as possible will prevent the reader from being overwhelmed by information. Also keep in mind that each page that you create will need to be filled with content.

3. Site Resources builds the site based on the call results.

After the call, Site Resources will build the framework for the website. You will need to send us the content — going back to the house analogy, this is the wallpaper — for your website. The whole build can go very quickly, lasting around one or two weeks, depending on the complexity of your site; it also depends on how quickly you send us content.

4. We will review the build with you.

When we are nearing the completion of the build, we will e-mail you a final checklist of missing items. If needed, a second call may be scheduled. Once all content and pages have been populated, we will be ready to launch.

5. The website will launch to the public.

After the site has been reviewed, and we agree that it is complete, you can share it with others. If you have a full service agreement with Site Resources, your branch will be invoiced at this time; otherwise, we will be ready to continue our agreement.

Ready to get started? Fill in the service agreement today!