Add an external link to your post or page

The WordPress editor makes it easy to create hyperlinks to web content on other websites. Maybe you want to share a blog recently posted on or link to a photo album on the AAUW Facebook page. Here is a quick way to add external links to your posts and pages.

Note: The process is the same if you want to link to your media library files. Suppose that you have uploaded a newsletter to your media library and want to add a hyperlink to it from one of your pages or posts. Copy the URL of your newsletter. To get the URL: (1) go to Dashboard/Media, (2) click on the newsletter, and (3) copy the whole URL that appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

1. Suppose you want to add a link to the AAUW national website to your page. Copy the URL you want to link to (in this case,

2. Open the page or post that will contain the link, and highlight the text you want to turn into a hyperlink.

1. Hightlight

3. Click on the “Insert/edit link” icon.

2. Insert_edit_link

4. Paste the URL you copied into the link box and click the “Apply” button.

3. paste_the_url

The highlighted text will now appear underlined and blue to let you know that it is linked.

5. If you want the link to open in a new tab in the user’s web browser, click on “Link options.”

4. Link_Options

This will open a new window.

5. Open_in_a_new_tab

6. Select “Open link in a new tab” and then click “Update.” This sets the link target to open in a new page or tab when clicked.

6. Click_new_tab

7. To save and publish the page or post, select the “Publish” button under the publish toolbar on the right. If you were editing an existing post or page, you will see “Update” instead of “Publish.”

7. Publish

8. Go back to your website. You have successfully added an external link to your page!
